Tag Archives: Events

Anatomy of Mashable’s #MashableSummit Hashtag

On Tuesday, June 8, 2010 Mashable in partnership with CNN and in celebration of Internet Week New York held Mashable Media Summit 2010. I was unable to attend in person but enjoyed a full day of amazing content through Mashable’s generous live stream of the Summit on Livestream. Watching the stream was a treat but […]
Posted in Events, Featured, Social Media | Also tagged , , , , | 5 Comments

9 Keys to Making Live Events Social Media Friendly

I love all aspect of events including concept development, community building, marketing, monetizing, praying for butts-in-seats, production, and sometimes it’s great just being an attendee.  Making events social media friendly adds a new depth of experience for attendees, naturally develops a community environment. Attending an event without a hashtag associated with it after experiencing this […]
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